The Dream of Crossing Australia

Photo: Chris Tangey (ASFTV).

A few years have passed since I came up with the dream of crossing the continent of Australia on a motorcycle... the hard way. The original dream was to ride an old Harley Sportster on desert tracks from Shark Bay to Byron Bay venturing through some of the great wilderness regions of the Great Southland. The dream was never meant to make sense. It was always a mission destined with potential failure. Just like the journey of life.

So much about life makes no sense and is subject to setbacks and failure. Life is hard. When we get blatantly honest with ourselves we soon realise we cannot do the journey on our own. We were never created to be alone. Crossing Australia the hard way on a Harley Davidson motorcycle doesn’t make much sense… just ask the folks at Harley Davidson head office in Sydney, Australia. They are not interested in supporting the campaign, even though we are doing the ride to fight the curse of depression and suicide that exists like a cancer in remote and rural regions of Australia. Most of the support for the venture is coming from people who have been there… people who have lost loved ones to suicide, some that still struggle with the ‘black dog’ of depression. Support is coming from ordinary people, tradesmen, truckies, paramedics, bikers, small business owners and friends. We are grateful.

"Crossing Australia the hard way on a Harley doesn’t make much sense… just ask the folks at Harley Davidson"

The Crossing Australia expedition is filled with invitations from isolated towns and remote communities who are excited about getting everyone in town together for a BBQ and a concert. These towns know the reality of loss and grief. We want to bring them hope which we know can only come through a relationship with the creator of life.

I want to thank my mate Phil Sprigg and Coates Hire in Western Australia for standing with me in the dream of Crossing Australia. A company that seems to understand the need to bring issues like depression and suicide out of the shadows. Thanks so much for your support. Crossing Australia starts in 28 days.

We’ve started a GoFundMe campaign if you’d like to join the adventure. Otherwise you can subscribe to our YouTube channel and keep updated via FaceBook and Instagram. Thanks for your support.


Farewell to a Legend

Pictured: Steve at the Alice Springs Convention Centre memorial for Billy Hayes.

Pictured: Steve at the Alice Springs Convention Centre memorial for Billy Hayes.

Our hearts go out to our dear friend Jan Hayes and family who are grieving the loss of her son Billy Hayes. Tragically Billy lost his life while mustering cattle in a small helicopter on July 12th. He was one of the Northern Territory’s favourite sons, a veteran Finke Desert Race champion, a great horseman and grazier, an aviator, husband and father to four sons. Four years ago Billy’s Dad, pioneer cattleman Bill Hayes also lost his life in a mustering accident so for the family it has brought great sorrow. Over 1200 people gathered to farewell Billy and the funeral was streamed live to over 57,000 people throughout the nation. It was an honour to share a song as part of the service. We appreciate your prayers for the Hayes family.


Music, Motorcycles and Mission

Pictured: The old Harley with Taylor Guitar after a short film shoot.

Pictured: The old Harley with Taylor Guitar after a short film shoot.

The old Harley worked hard in the Ali Curung community taking local kids for joy rides around the property where the large Cross Celebration took place. There is something very captivating about good music and the roar of a Harley Davidson engine when it comes to getting kids and grown ups together!! Members of the CMA, Christian Motorcyclists Association travelled from NSW, ACT and Victoria to take part in the weekend despite freezing temperatures.

Over the coming months the old Harley will be involved in events across some of the great deserts of Australia. It will be used as a feature in the Crossing Australia venture. We are presenting Depression and Suicide Prevention Concerts in many remote towns and communities on a 5,720km ride from Shark Bay to Byron Bay. It’s only a month away and we are a long way short of achieving the mission at the moment. But every day miracles are happening to confirm the vision! If you’d like to support the project go to


Pictured: The radiant beauty of a desert wildflower in all its glory.

Pictured: The radiant beauty of a desert wildflower in all its glory.

“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Luke 12: 27-31

I must confess there are days when I feel like a 'man of little faith'. Yet I am constantly challenged to keep putting faith into action and test the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness. In the exhausting schedule of ministry over these past weeks this humble cluster of yellow top daisies caught my eye and reminded me to stop and breathe in the majesty of God’s creation. Two simple flower petals shining radiantly under a winter sun with not a worry in the world. I’m reminded that despite all the pressures, programs and deadlines it is vital to rest in the one who made us for his glory and has a way for us to live life. The words of Jesus bring us to that place of peace and empowerment.

Cast all your anxiety on him for he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Thanks again for your interest in the work we are doing in remote regions of Australia. Every week lives are being impacted and we appreciate your partnership in the adventure.

Steve Grace

The Cross of Ali Curung

Pictured: A beautiful expression of the the Cross in traditional Aboriginal art on display at the Kidman Street Church, Alice Springs.

Pictured: A beautiful expression of the the Cross in traditional Aboriginal art on display at the Kidman Street Church, Alice Springs.

This coming weekend hundreds of people are gathering at a remote location 170kms south of Tennant Creek to celebrate the victory we have in the Cross. There is a 30m (100ft) high Cross complete with LED lamps waiting to stand in the desert as a reminder to all Australians and to people from every nation on earth that the traditional land owners of the region honour Christ and all He has done through the Cross for the salvation of humanity. We are excited and honoured to be part of this historic event. Please pray that the favour and goodwill established with the Central Lands Council will bring this vision to a conclusion. It’s going to be a great weekend worshipping God in the red desert sands of the Warranbry country.


Power of Prayer

Pictured: Kerrie praying for Aunty May at the Kidman Street Church in Alice Springs.

Pictured: Kerrie praying for Aunty May at the Kidman Street Church in Alice Springs.

She turned up to church last Sunday night with a migraine headache and pain in her shoulder. But she turned up for church anyways.. She sang songs and worshipped the Lord and listened to the Bible teaching message from 1 Peter in the New Testament. When the invitation came for prayer she slowly made her way forward. Kerrie Grace offered to pray for her. After a few minutes Aunty May turned to Kerrie and declared the headache and pain were gone. The power of simple faith and a simple prayer. We rejoice with the precious people who turn up every week at one of the only Indigenous fellowships in Alice Springs. It’s an honour to serve at this church every time we come to town.

Report from Trent

Pictured: Trentan Kruger in Alice Springs, Northern Territory.

Pictured: Trentan Kruger in Alice Springs, Northern Territory.

It has been an incredible honour to be welcomed into so many remote Aboriginal communities these past weeks with Steve, representing the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. I'm always overwhelmed when I do this work at the many - very different, dynamics that exist within and between these Tribal groups.

These people live in an ever conflicting system of expectations and traditions that have been deeply rooted in Indigenous culture for centuries, yet are pressured to conform to a white man's way and live in government funded establishments with Western education. These two worlds are forever warring each other and create issues far too complex to be solved by money and political planning. I'm convinced that the only way we will see our Aboriginal brothers and sisters free from the bondage we've placed them in, is through salvation in Jesus Christ and His presence in their lives. Hence, in summary, I believe that now, more than ever, we need to be continually following up the work of the Lord in these communities.

We saw that many locals, after having returned from "Reality" with a decision made to follow Jesus, have really struggled to maintain and follow through with their commitment, purely because of the lack of Christian encouragement in these remote corners of the desert. Once they come to a faith in Christ, they then have a further challenge in reconciling their new faith with The old law and traditions. We need continual bible teaching, workshops, singalongs and Christian materials to be going into these communities to truly disciple our brothers and sisters into a healthy, loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

I'm so humbled to have been a part of this work and want to thank you, the BGEA, for your heart for our nation Australia, and the want to see EVERY one come to a faith in Christ. Being with Steve on this trip, I have learnt more about the situations of our Aboriginal people and The best ways we can serve them and grow with them - I do believe that Together we will make a difference.


Three Women and a Church

Pictured: Steve sharing the information about the ‘First Steps’ Bible teaching resources provided by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Pictured: Steve sharing the information about the ‘First Steps’ Bible teaching resources provided by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

The presence of the local church in a remote community is a powerful symbol of history and hope. When things fall apart, when conflicts happen, when tragedy falls the church is there.. But it’s so much more than a building. It is people, ordinary people who know they need forgiveness and grace and the ever-present power of God’s spirit in their lives. That’s what makes the church. In Fregon last week we met with three precious ladies who have taken responsibility for the local church until a new pastor comes. They faithfully serve the community and conduct Bible Studies and services to encourage the people to keep trusting in God for the future. It was such an honour to meet Mandua, Merridith and Pauline and hear of their work with the church in Fregon.


Reality Follow Up

Pictured: Steve with some of the ladies from the Areonga Lutheran Church.

Pictured: Steve with some of the ladies from the Areonga Lutheran Church.

Despite the near zero temperatures the locals turned up for our singalong concert in Areonga last Monday night. With campfires blazing and a great atmosphere in the park next to the historic Lutheran Church we sang and shared the Gospel until the fires went out.

The message from Dr Bill Newman projected onto the big screen really connected with people and a number of folks came forward for prayer and counselling after the event. As in many communities it’s the women who have stepped up into church leadership.. Not by choice but out of recognising the great need to keep the Christian faith going in these remote places.

The average age of an Indigenous man is 48 years… So there are not many tribal elders and old men to help lead. This is a sad reality in outback Australia. But we praise God for faithful women who have a passion for their communities. The BGEA resources and Audio Bibles provided by Leading the Way have been a huge encouragement.