Pictured: The planning and preparations for tours across Australia in 2019 - 2020
““Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and will bless you””
I was inspired by this ancient verse in the Bible last week. To sojourn is to stay in a place for a short time.. for travellers to stop and wait, to be refreshed before going on with the journey. In context of the story Issac and his family were battling through a severe drought and making plans to move on from the land God had promised his father Abraham. That’s when God spoke ( ironically through the King of the Philistines, Abimelech ). It was an instruction to stay. Just because things were tough and discouraging God was encouraging Issac to keep believing in the promises He had given his father.
There are many stories of people in the Bible who were travellers… they lived nomadic lives and were always on a journey of faith. From Abraham to Moses to Jesus and Paul, their travel adventures were recorded for all time. We really like that because from the moment we stepped out in faith to serve God with the music ministry 35 years ago we haven’t stopped travelling.. our three boys have all grown up on the road to somewhere!! We have loved the opportunities to be able to travel.
But most of all.. It's so good to know that God will be with you and will bless you while you are seeking after His will in your life… even through the difficult seasons. There are times to ‘go' and there are times to ’sojourn’ and wait on the Lord, but be assured He is with you and will bless you.
Next week we head off to the USA to visit churches and spend some time with Jordan and Paige Grace in Nashville TN. We will be travelling again!! And sharing the vision of the Eternity Truck and future missions trips and ministry across Australia and the South Pacific.
Thanks for your friendship,