Pictured: Pastor Skip Heitzig teaching from the book of Joshua at Calvary Chapel Albuquerque.

Pictured: Pastor Skip Heitzig teaching from the book of Joshua at Calvary Chapel Albuquerque.

When nearly 2,000 people turn up for a Wednesday night Bible Study at your local church you can be assured there’s good things happening.

The music and worship songs were tastefully presented and created an atmosphere of expectation. Pastor Skip’s authentic and honest explanations of God’s word were captivating. I sure was honoured to be the guest artist for the night and greatly appreciate the opportunity to come and share about our missions work in Australia. 

Thank you Calvary Chapel Albuquerque in New Mexico for inviting me to come and spend a few days in town. It was 19 years ago that I first sang in the church when I was involved with the Billy Graham / Franklin Graham Festival of May 1998. Always an honour to return and catch up with old friends.


Pictured: Steve sharing songs and encouraging people to mission at Wave Church.

Pictured: Steve sharing songs and encouraging people to mission at Wave Church.

It was a great honour to share songs and stories at Wave Church in Virginia Beach last weekend.

A church founded by our good friends Steve and Sharon Kelly about 15 years ago. A church with a vision to impact millions of people for the Gospel.

It’s been 14 years since I last visited Wave Church and it’s been overwhelming to see all that God has done since then. To be a small part of planting a vision many years ago and to see the harvest of souls since then is incredible. I know that’s what it’s all about. We are called to be part of what God is doing wherever we are.

Thank you Wave Church for your generous welcome and hospitality. I sure loved being part of ministry over two weekends including Memorial Day. Looking forward to returning again.


Pictured: Steve standing in front of Wave Church in Virginia Beach last Sunday for Memorial Day weekend.

Pictured: Steve standing in front of Wave Church in Virginia Beach last Sunday for Memorial Day weekend.


It was a great honour to be asked to sing and speak at two churches in America for the Memorial Day weekend.

Australia has been a military ally to the USA for 100 years. Memorial Day in America is specifically set apart each year to remember those who paid the supreme sacrifice in conflict, those who gave their lives for the freedom we have today and the pride and patriotism runs deep.
People have migrated from every nation on earth to call America their home and it is amazing to see how the fallen are never forgotten, no matter what skin colour or race they came from. I think that’s what makes America a great nation where people are free to work hard and dream.
The past two weeks have been so encouraging to see the interest in the work we have been doing for the past 30 years in Outback and Rural Australia. As I flew across the continent of the America’s I was also greatly inspired to keep going with the work God has called us to. Every church I sang and spoke in welcomed us back for more ministry in the future. 

I must admit while looking out over the vast expanses of American wilderness and deserts I contemplated the challenge of doing an off road Harley Davidson crossing of that nation as well!! But I’ll need to get God’s favour and Kerrie’s approval before embarking on that project. But the concept excites me greatly! I’ve come home dreaming ‘Big Dreams’ and very grateful for the few weeks in America.


Pictured:  Steve singing at the combined churches Pentecost Sunday event in Hervey Bay, QLD

Pictured:  Steve singing at the combined churches Pentecost Sunday event in Hervey Bay, QLD

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” Acts 4:12

There was nothing holding them back… They’d seen too much and experienced what living with Jesus in their lives was truly like. Peter and John would never again deny the transforming power of God as they stood before the religious leaders who accused them of healing a man crippled from birth at the temple gates. Thousands would have seen the miracle man jumping and leaping and praising God as he was set free from the prison of immobility. There was no turning back. Their courage and boldness and the presence of the Holy Spirit within them was too much for the proud religious leaders who could not contain the explosive growth of this new 'Jesus movement’ throughout the known world of that time.

Today that same Jesus movement is still growing across the planet and it was great to see churches celebrating Pentecost Sunday in many nations. We had the privilege of being part of a gathering of every denomination of church in the Hervey Bay region last Sunday. The Baptist Church was packed to capacity. Reports from school chaplains, Scripture teachers and people whose lives have been transformed by the Gospel made for an inspiring night of unity and vision. As we sang the classic anthem ‘Great Southland of the Holy Spirit’ the entire crowd stood and many came forward to rededicate themselves to the Lord and to their ongoing desire for the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Thank you to the combined churches of Hervey Bay and to our good friends at Bayside Church for the invitation to be there for Pentecost Sunday.

In just over a week we begin our tour of the Queensland Coast all the way to Cairns and back. Thanks for your prayers and support as we get back on the road and into action!!!



Pictured: Cheyne Grace at work with the Kombi Cafe at Eastgate Church in Byron Bay.

Pictured: Cheyne Grace at work with the Kombi Cafe at Eastgate Church in Byron Bay.

When Cheyne is not on the road serving with our concert tours and missions trips he’s based at Lennox Head near Byron Bay. On Sunday’s, Eastgate Church love having his mobile Kombi Cafe set up out the front knowing the funds raised go towards the work of World Missions. The 1975 Kombi is a great people magnet and gets used every week to provide the best espresso coffee’s in town. 

We greatly appreciate the effort Cheyne puts in behind the scenes with our ministry. He’s also got a growing design company helping churches and business’ with branding so if you are looking for quality graphic design contact Cheyne!!! 


Pictured: Steve learning to operate 'Sambos' 1949 Field Marshall Tractor at Glenora Downs, QLD.

Pictured: Steve learning to operate 'Sambos' 1949 Field Marshall Tractor at Glenora Downs, QLD.

This tractor was built nearly 70 years ago and is still ready and able for a good hard days work!! Somehow in this modern age we have lost the art of building things to last. The old Field Marshall was Ian Sampson’s first tractor when he started farming near Wudinna SA back in the early 50’s. When the family moved to the rich black soil plains of central Queensland the old tractor came too. These days…. the new machinery is much bigger and requires a lot more maintenance than the old bull dog Field Marshal. What it took ‘Sambo’ a week to accomplish on his faithful old green tractor can now be done in a  day. But despite the greater productivity this old workhorse is still his favourite. 

I admire the ‘never say die’ determination of Aussie Farmers who these days have to compete on a global market. You don’t meet too many farmers looking for welfare handouts, even in the droughts they never stop working… just like the old Field Marshall tractor. Support Australian farmers and buy Australian grown produce.


Pictured: The legendary Slim Dusty. Photo: John Elliot

Pictured: The legendary Slim Dusty. Photo: John Elliot

We are only 6 weeks away from the release of the new Slim Dusty Songs album. The project has been mastered and ready for manufacture. As funds have been tight this year we are very grateful to a couple of generous gifts from farmers around Australia who believe in the vision of this project. Thank you so much. There is something significant about honouring great Australian’s of the past… men and women who have devoted their lives to making Australia a great country. I pray we never stop appreciating the generations who have gone before us. 

The big challenge we have is getting this new album ‘out there’ to the thousands of people across Australia who will love listening to some of Slim’s classics and a few Steve Grace tribute songs. Being known as a Gospel artist for 30 years means we’ve met with some resistance from the mainstream music industry. Pray with us for God’s strategy in the release and distribution of this project. Our heart is to honour a country music legend but also keep the passion for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the forefront of all that we do. Thanks for being part of this journey.


Pictured: The view of Tenterfield from the western side of the property.

Pictured: The view of Tenterfield from the western side of the property.

For World Missions to have a permanent ministry base one day is still a dream in our hearts. God has been so faithful over the years to provide resources and equipment and incredible teams of people to help in the vision of doing evangelism in remote and rural regions of Australia. The 20 acre property near Tenterfield in the New England of NSW is an ideal location to establish a base of operations. We will be honest and say we’re seeking God for direction and wisdom with the next stage knowing it will require more steps of faith and lots of hard work. We don’t mind hard work!!! Never have.

We’d love to construct a large shed on the property as stage one. The new gate and access road into the property is being constructed this month and on completion we can begin some serious planning. We welcome any good advice, support and practical help from you in the partnership of this new season. We see so much potential for the property to be used for rest, recreation, training camps and even an annual Gospel Music festival in the coming years. Along with our new neighbours Dennis and Kim Lund we are excited to see what God can do with land that has been dedicated to His kingdom work.

Thanks for your interest and constant prayers as we progress with the dream.


When Kerrie and I stepped into a full time ‘faith’ ministry back in early 1987 it was a realm of complete unknowns… There was nobody out there we could seek advice from as to how you survive in an itinerant music ministry with a young family. The idea of striving to become some Christian pop star with a record company contract and all the superficial stuff that I saw turned me off the Christian music industry after a few years. It all seemed fake. I know Kerrie and I both desired serving organisations that were about people and bringing hope and change to the world through the work of the local church. So began a long journey of countless concerts in country towns and remote aboriginal communities serving the local church in each region in its task of evangelism. We made plenty of mistakes along the way and have had a fair share of setbacks. We look back with gratitude at the organisations and individuals that have stood with us and supported the vision. We stand amazed at God’s faithfulness and the miracles of provision, the friendships and the humble reality of His constant favour over our lives. We praise the Lord for three amazing sons who have all chosen to put Christ first in their lives and stepped out to experience for themselves what living by faith really means. 30 years and now a new season ahead. More country towns tours, more missions trips and overseas travel and more of learning how to be more effective in an ever changing world. I thank the Lord for an amazing wife who has stood beside me and believed in God’s promises even in times when I have become discouraged and given up. Thank you Kerrie for your love and faith.