When Kerrie and I stepped into a full time ‘faith’ ministry back in early 1987 it was a realm of complete unknowns… There was nobody out there we could seek advice from as to how you survive in an itinerant music ministry with a young family. The idea of striving to become some Christian pop star with a record company contract and all the superficial stuff that I saw turned me off the Christian music industry after a few years. It all seemed fake. I know Kerrie and I both desired serving organisations that were about people and bringing hope and change to the world through the work of the local church. So began a long journey of countless concerts in country towns and remote aboriginal communities serving the local church in each region in its task of evangelism. We made plenty of mistakes along the way and have had a fair share of setbacks. We look back with gratitude at the organisations and individuals that have stood with us and supported the vision. We stand amazed at God’s faithfulness and the miracles of provision, the friendships and the humble reality of His constant favour over our lives. We praise the Lord for three amazing sons who have all chosen to put Christ first in their lives and stepped out to experience for themselves what living by faith really means. 30 years and now a new season ahead. More country towns tours, more missions trips and overseas travel and more of learning how to be more effective in an ever changing world. I thank the Lord for an amazing wife who has stood beside me and believed in God’s promises even in times when I have become discouraged and given up. Thank you Kerrie for your love and faith.