Mailboxes, Miracles and Mission

You never quite know what will turn up in the mail… Sometimes it’s overdue accounts and unexpected bills, sometimes it good news and sometimes bad news. There’s always plenty of junk mail and distractive propaganda and then there’s often times a letter from a distant friend. In the modern age of internet and social media there’s still something really special about good old fashioned mail in a mailbox.

I photographed this colourful row of rural letterboxes on a recent trip through the New England high country of NSW. It reminded me that God knows where I live. He knows my address and He knows my heart. He knows that in my brokenness and sin I needed a Saviour… and that Jesus saw so much value in me He was willing to die for me. That’s how much God is concerned about my life and future. And the best letters you will ever get in the mail are simply the promises of His word. The Bible is like a huge love letter for humanity all about God’s grace, mercy and kingdom.

Don’t ever underestimate your value to God. He knows where you are at and He is with you through the challenges and ordeals of life. So keep expecting miracles in the mail and keep desiring to serve Him on the mission!!

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17

Thanks for your support.


Steve Grace



Pictured: Ash Young with kids from the Kintore Community.

Pictured: Ash Young with kids from the Kintore Community.

We are just over half way Crossing Australia and have one night left in Alice Springs, then we head for the Simpson desert! Even before I went on this trip, the impact of suicide back home broke my heart, but out here every single person we've talked to has been affected. There are so many hurting people. Emotionally, it can be pretty tolling but I'm so glad that it's not just a knowledge of what's going on, it's real and raw to us everyday. So I thank God these people are talking about it and thank him for the awakening of our hearts. 

Personally prayer wise, for the first time in my life I don't know what's next for me, I went straight out of school into an apprenticeship and now I'm finished, the work dried up and I'm on my own. It's almost like God has dragged me into the desert for a month just to be still and know he's God. But if you know me you know that I love to have clear direction, and make things happen. So pray that my ears and eyes would be open to what God has for me. 

There's plenty to pray for in the days ahead, prayer for safety through the Simpson Desert is a big one, God has really watched over us the whole way so praise for that and prayer for the road, or lack of road ahead is key. 

My biggest prayer point is for the people we've met and will meet, most of those that have talked to us are ready for the good news, for peace, healing and hope or all of the above. We know that it's often in our brokenness that Jesus does miracles.  So pray that we can just glorify God and be his instruments. It has to be God that meets with people and transforms their hearts. 

A verse that has been imbedded in my mind is Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, I say again rejoice! 

Blessing, Ash Young

Legends and Larrikins

Pictured: Vic Hausler on his giant Pennyfarthing bike a few years back.

Pictured: Vic Hausler on his giant Pennyfarthing bike a few years back.

We are so honoured to have the legendary Vic Hausler travelling with us on Crossing Australia. Vic is driving his 1942 Dodge Weapons Carrier and is the chief mechanic on this mission. One of Vic’s hobbies is Pennyfarthing bicycles and he has quite a collection. He built this one for local shows and public events a few years back and we just loved this picture. Vic’s bush poetry around the campfires at night and his stories from 73 years on the planet are captivating. Thanks mate for being on the journey with us.

In Memory of #56

Pictured: Ryan Grace and the team comfort Noleen Mongoo at the gravesite of Ashley Page in Meekathara, WA.

Pictured: Ryan Grace and the team comfort Noleen Mongoo at the gravesite of Ashley Page in Meekathara, WA.

Our time in the town of Meekatharra was significant to our mission and purpose for Crossing Australia. We met the amazing Mongoo Family and wept with them over the loss of their son Ashley just over a year ago to suicide. Ashley was a champion speedway driver and a very loveable character. In a season of depression and isolation life all got too much for him and he took his life. We grieve at such loss. Suicide takes more lives in Australia every year than traffic accident fatalities.

We are remembering #56 Ashley Page at every event we do on this mission to honour a young man who had so much to give, yet lost hope. As Ryan Grace shared his story as a suicide survivor at our community event, the Mongoo Family were immediately connected to his heart and dream to help others battling depression. Michael and Noleen will be flying from Western Australia across to Byron Bay to meet us at the finish line of Crossing Australia on Sunday 18th September. 

Thank You Alice Springs

Pictured: The Crossing Australia team in Alice Springs, Northern Territory.

Pictured: The Crossing Australia team in Alice Springs, Northern Territory.

There is no other town like ‘The Alice’ on earth. It is a unique, iconic town with so much colour and character!! We want to say thanks to many local businesses and people who have supported our Crossing Australia venture while we’ve been in town repairing vehicles, bikes and preparing to cross the Simpson Desert. A huge thank you to Lasseters Hotel for hosting our fundraising event and to the Alice Springs Tourist Park for accommodating our team. We are so grateful for your support Alice Springs!!! A town in the heart of Australia with a big heart for all of Australia!

Milestones, Mistakes and Miracles

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10

It’s hard to explain to some people… why we do the crazy things we do. Missions and evangelism in Australia has never been a comfortable and convenient journey. If you’ve ever set out to establish a small business or planted a church in a country town you will understand that there is much sacrifice, faith and determination to keep going.

Crossing Australia is as much about redefining how we connect with an Australian society that no longer goes to church, generations of people who are literally unreached with the Gospel message of Christ’s love…. as it is with riding a motorcycle across the deserts of the Great Southland. 

I always knew it would be a great test of character and physical strength. I did not expect to be stricken down with pneumonia and asthma three days into the ride. I did not expect that we would be changing the route because of weather and closed roads… I didn’t expect to be so well looked after by an amazing team who literally only got to meet for the first time three days before the mission started!!! The events where I was too unwell to speak and sing were highly effective because the team stepped up and made it happen. I’m sharing this because I’m so grateful for the support and encouragement that has come with the journey so far. Thank you.

We’ve never done a big public ‘fundraising’ project like this before, yet every day the GoFundMe campaign increases and that is very humbling. The finances raised on this venture will be invested straight back into the work we are doing in remote regions of Australia to combat suicide and depression. It will also assist us in developing programs that can be implemented in communities long term to build hope into people’s lives. I’m excited about the concepts we are working on with Desert Song music, songwriting, recording, filming and events for the future. Evangelism must be innovative and creative in these modern times… But never compromise the essence of the message.

Some will never understand this crazy venture… But for those who have been through great pain or loss, those who have struggled with depression or lost a loved one to suicide, it all makes sense. So thank you to those who have actually partnered with us in a practical way and sewn into the vision. 

It’s so true… we are called and chosen to be a peculiar people. God smiles when we step out and attempt great (and crazy) exploits for Him!!! Shark Bay to Alice Springs to Birdsville to Byron Bay…. Here we come!!


Steve Grace



Pictured: Ryan, Cheyne and Steve Grace ready for an epic journey across the Australian deserts..

Pictured: Ryan, Cheyne and Steve Grace ready for an epic journey across the Australian deserts..

Well this is it!!! We are on the way. The inaugural Crossing Australia expedition has begun…. The first of many we believe. We’ve had a custom built motorcycle trailer built, a modified XR1200 Harley built… we’ve had Oz Trail camping gear and food from Campbell’s Wholesale and Opposite Lock 4X4 equipment donated!! We’ve had two Coates Hire Toyota Hilux twin cab utes loaned to us and fuel cards donated… It has been overwhelming to see the generosity from people who believe in the vision to reach communities with a message of hope. 

If you want to be part of future Crossing Australia ventures please contact us as we get a sense God’s favour is on these missions and the convictions we have to help bring real change to hurting communities. Thanks to Ryan and Cheyne Grace for taking some time out to serve on the adventure. We expect there will be some tough days ahead as the team trek across the Great Victoria desert over the next week. Follow the journey at



Pictured: John Patience with Steve, Ryan and Phil Sprigg at the Patience Bulk Haulage truck yards in Geraldton

Pictured: John Patience with Steve, Ryan and Phil Sprigg at the Patience Bulk Haulage truck yards in Geraldton

We are honoured to have the legendary Patience Bulk Haulage company as a sponsor for Crossing Australia. Ordinary hard working Australian’s who ‘get it’ when it comes to depression and suicide. When governments and big business have no answers to the cultural crisis of suicide it’s amazing to see who steps up to help. The Crossing Australia venture is all about doing doing something positive and actually creating events in remote communities where we can present hope for a silent and tragic issue. Too many Australian’s lose their lives every year. Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45. In 2014, 4,623 Australian men took their own lives. 

We want to thank John and Nola Patience for their support. They know only too well the grief and loss that follows losing someone you love to suicide. We love the words patience and grace together!! That’s what it will take to lovingly help those struggling with the ‘black dog’ of depression. Thanks again for your support.