Pictured: Somewhere in South Dakota a few weeks back. Distant storms and road travel in North America.
“For God loved the world so much He gave.. He gave His only son, and whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. Christ did not come into the world to condemn it but that through him we would all be saved. ”
As our big road trip across America enters its final weeks we are starting to think of home and tours and ministry ahead. This has been an amazing time traveling the back roads of America and meeting all kinds of people. Listening to the news and ’talkback’ radio stations while driving has been enlightening. Observing the complex political and social issues that confront modern day America, knowing its vital global influence is intriguing to me. There is so much anger, accusation and uncertainty in our modern world.. There is confusion and conflict as media networks work to manipulate the masses with their ideologies.
I guess looking at the wide open interstate highways for hours on end some days gives me time to consider and ask ‘what really is important these days?’ How should we be living our lives in an angry God hating culture?
The answer is pretty simple… The Christian faith is all about giving out of what God has given to you… You are blessed to be a blessing. You have the spirit of Christ in your life! The resurrection power that raised Him from the dead is alive in you! There are millions of people desperate to know of God’s unconditional love and grace. That’s our job!! That’s the road ahead… To be about giving what has been given to us… The truth of the Gospel that Christ gave His life on the Cross for.
God is bigger than angry politics and bad religion! He’s bigger than ‘talkback Radio’. He’s bigger than corrupt governments and financial systems! He’s on your side for the road ahead!
Keep the faith.