Pictured: Steve sharing the word at LifeHouse Church, Coffs Harbour, NSW
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. ”
It’s good to be back on the road and into 2019. So far.. this year has lots of open dates on the calendar but we always love seeing it fill up. There’s plenty of invitations to churches in the USA so I know there will be a few months of touring over there. Otherwise we have plans for more events in outback Australia, in Papua New Guinea and even the Solomon Islands. There’s opportunity for a new TV series, a book and plans for a 2020 national tour!!! Exciting visions and dreams ahead.
33 years ago Kerrie and I took a nervous leap of faith into the unknown realm called ‘full time ministry’. We knew we were called for more than settling for a predictable, comfortable life. We’ve made plenty of mistakes and taken a few wrong turns along the way. We’ve learned that even when you get off track God is still there and never stops loving you. When you start out on a new venture.. He is there… When you come to the end of yourself… He is there. He uses the very things that the world and the devil intend to destroy you with to define you.
The God of all creation delights in using people like you and me to represent His eternal kingdom. He makes everything beautiful in its time and enables you to accomplish great things despite your lack of faith or inabilities. Don’t wait till you are ‘qualified’ because you never will be. Don’t wait till you have it all together because you probably never will. Nobody else on this planet can be the best version of you, like you can be. So love God and love people like He does and get on with living for eternity!!
Jesus came to earth to break the curse of death and sin. He made a way for us to live in an eternal relationship with God. He has good plans for us all and I believe we can trust Him for the road ahead!!
Get out there and go for it!!
Become a partner in the Eternity Truck vision.