The Bible has some pretty heavy words about times of desperation and drought. It’s usually about the arrogance of leaders and those in power and their hardness towards faith and humility. The people suffer when the leaders in the land ignore the mercy of God. Pride and fear destroy hope… and when people have no hope their is great loss and despair.
I look at my country Australia at the moment and I feel like my country has hardened its heart towards the grace and love of God. Our Political leaders have given in and lost control of our destiny.. So there is confusion and corruption. It can all change when as a nation we repent and turn from the acts of godlessness that break the heart of the creator. All of nature suffers when we don’t have a good relationship with God. But it can all change when we get back to the things that matter. It starts with us… with you and me.
I love that throughout history God has been merciful to His people when they humbly return to him and ask for help. That’s God’s heart and character. A merciful and compassionate father wanting to reach out and redeem all those who are lost.
Thank God for Jesus.