Pictured: The historic Methodist Church in Balaclava. Built with faith and purpose to proclaim the Good News of Christ.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25
Never tear down in unbelief what has been built by faith.
We live in a world that is hell bent on change for the sake of change. There is no real moral conviction to the current trends and forces attempting to manipulate change in our world… just a spirit of selfishness and self indulgence by a select few. Whether it is extreme Islam or the president of North Korea Kim Jong Un attempting to make his mark on history or the homosexual lobby groups striving to justify ‘marriage equality’.. It concerns me greatly that the fundamental principles of generations that have gone before us are now being attacked, undermined and abolished by faithless politicians for the sake of keeping the minority happy. I don’t get it.
I’ll say it again,… 'Never tear down in unbelief what has been built by faith'. At some stage we must come to terms with the fact that our mothers and fathers, our grand parents knew more about life and ethics than we do now. At some stage we’ve got to get honest and real about what is right and wrong, what is truth and what is a lie… We’ve got to make clear decisions that can be handed down to the next generation.
I sang in this church last Sunday. There were new born babies in prams, there were families, young adults and there were elderly people in their final years of life. The church was full. People came to sing and pray. They came to hear the truth of God’s word, humble enough to be challenged in their faith and willing to take on all that is revealed in the teachings of the Bible. It was an inspiring morning of worship. Some came to worship and others came for prayer. I was honoured to take part in the morning meeting. After church there was tea and coffee and fellowship and noisy kids and laughter and fun in the church hall. I loved it. Just real people… real life…. real faith.
It was just another church in an Australian country town built a long time ago by a generation who believed in Jesus and the hope he has for humanity. Keep it real.
Steve Grace