Pictured: The misty mornings of the Atherton Tablelands in far north Queensland.
"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar roads I will guide you. I will turn the darkness into light before you and make your crooked paths straight.. These are the things I will do.. I will not forsake you says the Lord." Isaiah 42:16
I have to keep telling myself.. “This world is not my home… I’m just a passing through”. I’ve come to a place where I’m convinced the world news media networks and political systems are all about everything Adolf Hitler believed in back in 1942…. Destroying Israel and dominating the rich and poor nations of the world. Nothing much makes sense and as the writer of Ecclesiastes wrote ‘ everything is meaningless’. It seems the superpowers of planet earth are determined to destroy each other any way they can. We are forced to live under the curse of Ishmael from the book of Genesis in the Bible, which is a curse of self destruction. But….
We are called to live under the promises of God, given to Abraham in Genesis and handed down from generation to generation. The promises that graft us into the family of Jesus Christ and the hope we have because of Calvary and the miracle of the resurrection.
There are times when I cannot see the way ahead… the horizon seems foggy and distant… Yet I know this one truth that I choose to live by…
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
I cannot give up on the wonderful truth of what I have been taught by my parents from an early age. And when the road ahead is foggy I claim those promises and resolve myself to believe. God does not change. He never will change. So I keep believing and know this is the only hope in uncertain times.