Pictured: The precious violin and belongings of a humble hero and mentor. Maurice Edwin Bentley 19-7-1918 - 17-10-2017.
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me". Galatians 2:20
Last week we said farewell to an amazing inspiration of a man. He was 99 years old and his hallmark words to almost every conversation he ever had were,
“Be Encouraged”.
When Uncle Ed Bentley said those words to you, you knew he meant them. He was an artist and a musician.. He loved God and shared his faith in Jesus Christ every day on his century long pilgrimage on earth. When WWll happened he refused to carry a gun and so enlisted as a non combatant medic to help his fellow soldiers. He survived the horrors of war and became a military chaplain and then a missionary to Papua New Guinea with his beautiful wife Laurel. They had three sons and the Bentley family flourished as they served the Lord. To this day they are all an inspiration and live to encourage others.
Uncle Ed inspired me with art and music in my early years growing up in Ukarumpa, PNG… but even more so to love people like Jesus loves people. Last week we said goodbye for a short time.
Thank you Uncle Ed.
Steve Grace