Pictured: The turn off from the Plenty Highway to Camooweal.. Stay alert for camels, kangaroo’s, cattle, emu’s and washed out creek crossings…
'But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you’. Matthew 6:33
There are days when I feel completely misunderstood by the big modern churches in the cities and suburbs… by friends and at times even family. I look back and see the miracles and the milestones over the past 30 years of serving the local church across Australia, The South Pacific and beyond. It’s then I realise not everyone is going to understand or agree with the unique calling of travelling to the remote and forgotten places to share the Gospel. For Kerrie and our three sons it has not always been an easy road. Seasons of separation and school life or seasons of life on the road with Dad in whatever vehicles God has provided. We look back with gratitude at God’s faithfulness.
There are days when I realise my music will never quite fit in with what they call contemporary Christian / worship music. Not many Christian Radio stations play my music because it’s not ‘worship’ enough and not many mainstream networks play it because it’s considered ‘gospel’. So I just smile and thank the Lord for every opportunity to sing my songs and encourage people on the road. I’ve learned over the years to stop striving and ‘people pleasing’ and just get on with chasing after God’s heart for humanity. If we put Him first and do our best to live by the simple grace filled standards of the Bible all the other stuff seems to work itself out. I am so grateful to a small handful of friends, family and churches and organisations like the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association who believe in this work we are doing. Over the month of July we will be visiting up to 20 remote tribal communities and distributing some amazing resources to help the many people who came to faith in Christ at Reality 2016 with Will Graham back in May. Evening campfire Bible studies and Singalongs and cold nights in the desert!
I actually don’t mind these days if I ever get invitations to big fancy churches anymore. I’m reminded of the Apostle Paul and his unstoppable tenacity to get the Gospel out to where it has not yet been heard. There is a broken world out there and we are called to be part of its healing and hope. So wherever God has called you or planted you… stay true to the call.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Steve Grace