The Church that I See

Pictured: The singalong at Lake Nash Church dedication went for 8 hours last Saturday. 

Pictured: The singalong at Lake Nash Church dedication went for 8 hours last Saturday. 


They sang for 8 hours straight last Saturday… and then had Church Sunday morning and another singalong.. Even tonight in the middle of winter here in Australia families in many remote desert communities will gather around campfires and sing gospel songs, worship God and read from the Bible. Why? Because so many of my Indigenous brothers and sisters know that Jesus is the only way for them to know real life. For generations governments and policies and dispossession of traditional lands and persecution have not wavered their faith in what they have discovered to be true and absolute. The church I see in so many of these remote regions is so much like the early church we read of in the letters of the New Testament. Thank you to all the faithful families and fellowships in remote places for singing your songs to the God of the heavens and earth while we sit at home and watch the meaninglessness of life on our computer and TV screens. Keep singing the praises of Jesus!!