Out of the Blue

Pictured: The little miracle car donated last week.

Pictured: The little miracle car donated last week.

A sporty Red Nissan Micra was donated to us last week. Out of the blue a mate called and said he had purchased a car and wanted to donate it to our work. Not knowing at times Kerrie did not have transport around town it all made sense as to why he wanted to give it. We were honestly blown away with the gesture and so grateful for the generous gift. Thank you. 

The car is a 2011 Nissan Micra with 65k on the clock and in great condition. It will be such a blessing to have as a runabout. We are constantly amazed by the generosity of friends and supporters.


Vision for the Cross of Ali Curung

Pictured: Some of the Ali Curung locals gathering at the large steel Cross that they have a vision to see raised up in their community.

Pictured: Some of the Ali Curung locals gathering at the large steel Cross that they have a vision to see raised up in their community.

It will be a significant and historic day when the people of Ali Curung community 170kms south of Tennant Creek NT see a large Cross each day as they look west at the setting sun. It’s been a dream of theirs for some time now and along with the help of Paul and Rachel McLaughlin who manage a watermelon farm in partnership with the traditional land owners there, they have a vision to tell the world their land is God’s land. The symbol of the Cross is a bold statement of reconciliation between humanity and God the creator of all things through Christ’s death and resurrection.

Please pray with the Ali Curung community and the Central Lands Council leaders as they discuss the final stages of permission for the Cross to be erected on July 15th - 17th. Many little miracles need to take place in the coming weeks for this to happen. Thanks so much. 


Follow Up Tour for Reality

Pictured: The original mud map for reaching remote communities with an invitation to Reality in Alice Springs. 

Pictured: The original mud map for reaching remote communities with an invitation to Reality in Alice Springs. 

We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we reach out to 16 remote communities during July. We will be holding Singalong events, BBQ’s and community meetings and distributing some great follow up materials for people who made decisions during the May evangelistic events in Alice Springs. 

We are very grateful to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for their ongoing vision to connect with churches and people in remote regions of Australia. Audio Bibles have been donated along with Bibles, practical literature and MP3’s of Will Graham’s messages at Reality. We will be presenting a short video narrated by Bill Newman in all of our Singalong events. Pray with us as it is the winter and there are many roads to travel to reach every community. Thanks.

Raindrops and Real Faith

Pictured: Raindrops on the truck windscreen in outback Queensland. A welcome reminder of God's grace.

Pictured: Raindrops on the truck windscreen in outback Queensland. A welcome reminder of God's grace.

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Psalm 139:1-3

As the nations of Europe implode into cultural and political chaos…As the Middle East and Africa are again ravaged by the curse of extreme Islam... As the USA continues on with the madness of its Presidential campaign… As Australia prepares to vote in a national election this week…. 

I looked at a road with raindrops on the windscreen and gave thanks to God for the miracle of rain. Driving through drought devastated Outback Queensland yesterday was such a joy. To see the colour green again after four long years of cloudless skies and barren brown earth. Despite the mess the world is in and the shallow empty promises of corrupt political leaders… God still sends the rain and with the rain comes hope.

It’s not really about being right, left, religious or atheist… It’s really all about knowing who you are. It’s not about knowing 'about’ God, it’s all about knowing Him in a real way. Jesus made the way for us to be made right through his death and resurrection on the Cross. Knowing that He knows you for who you really are and being secure in the assurance of His promises brings a contentment to life like rain on a windscreen while driving in drought country.

Thank God for Jesus. And thank you Lord for the rains that have fallen in recent weeks in the dry country.

Praying for the national elections this week in Australia. 

The Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: To do what is right, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8


Steve Grace


Crossing Australia Progress

Pictured: A Harley Davidson '48 we've been looking at for the Crossing Australia venture.

Pictured: A Harley Davidson '48 we've been looking at for the Crossing Australia venture.

It has been so encouraging to get the news this week that Coates Hire have offered to sponsor two 4X4 vehicles for the Crossing Australia expedition in August. We’ve knocked on a few corporate doors for support and we greatly value this news!  Time is running out fast for the project to become everything we initially dreamed it would be and we’ve realised the official Crossing Australia on a Harley Davidson the hard way may be postponed until the winter of 2017. But at this stage we are still planning to attempt the crossing and fulfil all the invitations and bookings that have come in. The interest in Depression and Suicide prevention events in remote communities has been strong. There is a great need for encouraging community based events that bring people together and inspire them with hope for the future. 

We found this Harley 1200 a few days ago and know with some alterations it has great potential for such a venture. Pray with us that the right bike will turn up in time for the initial crossing. Stay tuned for more news of this historic adventure.

George McArdle joins the Band

Pictured: Cheyne, Steve, Kerrie and Jordan with the legendary George McArdle of the Little River Band.

Pictured: Cheyne, Steve, Kerrie and Jordan with the legendary George McArdle of the Little River Band.

Last Sunday night at the Hope Centre in Brisbane Steve Grace and Skypilot had the honour of performing a few songs with one of the all time great bass guitarist’s George McArdle. George was an original member of LRB and played Bass on the Children of the Western World album for Steve back in October 1988. It was such an honour for us to have George play some of the songs off the latest album Nullarbor to Nashville. 

Thank You Hope Centre

Pictured: Live in concert at Hope Centre, Brisbane.

Pictured: Live in concert at Hope Centre, Brisbane.

We were stoked to be invited to present a few songs at Hope Centre, Brisbane last Sunday night. What a great church!!! Thanks Ps Wayne and Lyn Alcorn for inviting us to share the stage with Ps Ben Teefy of Desert Life Church, Alice Springs. Ben is a dynamic communicator and his messages had a great impact on Sunday. We were able to share visually some of the work that is taking place in remote Indigenous communities in the desert regions of Australia. Thank you again for your ongoing prayers and support.


Good Mates out on the Road

Pictured: Steve with Ray Herring and his beloved Nissan Patrol.

Pictured: Steve with Ray Herring and his beloved Nissan Patrol.

We’d like to thank Ray Herring for helping us out recently in Alice Springs and then at our Shed Night event in Dubbo NSW. We met Ray on the first Kimberley Gospel Tour a few years back and every year he turns up somewhere to help us in the ministry. Thanks mate. It is such an encouragement to have faithful friends who understand the effort that goes into touring Australia to share the Gospel. Nothing like having a few 'Tag a Long' mates to help out on the road!!!

Keep Turning Up

Pictured: Steve standing outside the old hall at Papunya community, Northern Territory. His first concert there was in the winter of 1996.

Pictured: Steve standing outside the old hall at Papunya community, Northern Territory. His first concert there was in the winter of 1996.

The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.  Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.  Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:7-10

Twenty years ago I rolled into this remote community called Papunya in the Western Desert about 330kms west of Alice Springs. Sammy and Gordon Butcher of the famous Warumpi Band had invited me to come and do a concert with them. The old aircraft hanger style shed was the concert venue. We started at 4.00pm and went till after midnight. The entire town turned up, even all the camp dogs. It was one of those unforgettable events that connect your heart to a people. Over two decades I’ve been back many times to Papunya. I’ve sung at funerals, church services, music workshops… I’ve prayed with heart broken mothers at the clinic for their dying, petrol sniffing sons, and sat on the ground and listened to stories from the old men outside the store. 

There’s something about turning up. People see your love and the truth of Christ when you turn up, again and again. It takes about three cups of tea and some good conversations before genuine relationship is established out there in the bush. This world changes every week, nations and religions rage at war while politicians and the media promote their jaded propaganda. Terrorism and fear, broken promises, confusion and accusations.. it all reflects the pride, paranoia and lostness of the human state. And yet Jesus never changes. God’s love for humanity and his merciful compassion for us stays the same. He keeps turning up.

There are no ‘two minute noodle’ instant solutions for the complex problems the world is facing at the moment. It’s a long slow journey of unconditional love, forgiveness and understanding that will bring real change. It’s about getting back to the message of Jesus Christ and living by his simple, eternal law of grace.

My advice… Keep turning up. Keep turning up in your relationships, to church, to family and responsibilities, to work and to all that God has called you to. Don’t give up and get all critical and bitter. God will do His miraculous work if we keep turning up.

Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

Thanks for your prayers and support.


Steve Grace